Sunday, 7 May 2017

Shiver Faction

The Shiver Units policed the streets of Mort City until the challenges outside the wall became too great to ignore and SLA Industries repurposed them to fight the encroaching forces of the cannibal sector. Their regular green street armour was swapped out for grey and their non-lethal ball-bearing gauss rifle ammo was replaced with deadly flechettes. While the sector shivers have the same silhouette as the men and women who protect your homes and streets, they pack a bigger punch and aren’t to be messed with.

“Come on ladies and gentlemen, you want to die in your socks? For the sector wall!”

Shivers are a regular human force, armed and armoured to withstand any challenge they meet in the sector. They work as a unit with several standard troops, a Sergeant and sometimes a specialist. The regular Shivers rely on their gauss guns, body blocker armour and training to stay alive, while Sgt Rooker, wielding pistols and wearing HARD Armour, tells them what to do.

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