Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Faction Dice EXCLUSIVE!

Loyalty to SLA Industries is paramount in the mind of an operative. Loyalty to the company is reward in it self though there are times that loyalty brings other rewards too.

One of the perks of being SCL 9.0 is that I often get sweet little packages like this one.

That's right folks, Mr Slayer provided me with an ultra rare set of Kickstarter faction dice. These are currently held under lock and key at SLA HQ, jealously guarded by the fine chaps at Stigmata.

These are quite frankly fantastic dice, there are 4 for each faction and they look great. the colours contrast nicely, the etched symbols are crisp and clear. I cant vouch for how well they will roll though, that's never been my strong point.

Shiver, Dream Entities and Scavs

Dark Night, Carrien and Cannibals
The appropriate dice will come with whichever faction you have chosen and obviously they will go to retail after the KS ships.

If you cant wait that long for dice then the SLA dice and 9th dice and the SLA D20 are already available to purchase.

Stay Loyal
 Ste Winwood SLA Op SCL9.0

First Entry

Here is the first entry for the Daruma Productions paint a Tartan clad Frother competition. Now this entry is from me and it of the character Frother McNultie is his PP10 "Hard" Armour striking a pose with his favourite Multi-Job Lacerates, MJL Power Claymore 300, <insert name here> and his Generaql Armaments, GA20 "Finisher" Assault Rifle.

This figure is available from the Daruma Productions store along with other kilt wearing Frothers too.

So if you think you can do a better job than this Wallace Clan tartan pattern, kilt wearing, junky then enter away and join in the fun of the painting competition.

Good Luck

Time to ride in style.

Good morning citizens,

Having recently returned from the first (hopefully of many) Chillcon I've had the opportunity to abtain some nice new SLA minis. First up is the new Shiver Dominator, the first vehicle for SLA:CS1.

The Dominator is solid chunk of resin, the casting work and level of detail on the mini is fantastic. It comes with lots of surface features that really add a lot of life to the model with all manner of kit strapped to the sides. The model cleaned up really well, though the mould lining on the wheels was a little awkward to remove. The Dominator comes equipped with a turret mounted FEN 706 Power Reaper. With it's high damage and ability to lay  down SUSTAINED FIRE it'll be the perfect compliment to your shiver squads. The Dominator is suitable for both Loyalist and 9th shivers.

The Dominator even has a bear strapped the the front grill, an odd touch you might think for SLA but there is a story behind the little fluffy critter. Shivers are notoriously superstitious, especially when it comes to the number 9. Should a shiver squad be reduced to 9 men during a tour in CS1 they bring out their little pal to stand in for the 10th man.

Currently there are no vehicle rules for SLA:CS1, though  there are plans to include them in later expansions as the game grows. This means that the Dominator is currently just a very nice piece of terrain. Though there's nothing stopping you improvising and coming up with your own rules while we wait. With a bit of work it could even be made into a wrecked or burnt out version to decorate your board.

The Dominator is produced for Daruma by Wordforge Games, the makers of Devi'ls Run. They have even gone to the trouble to produce a set of rules for the Dominator so it can be used in Devil's Run too.

Thanks for tuning in.

Ste Winwood,  SLA Operative SCL 9.0

Monday, 29 May 2017

Competition Time - Tartan Paint!

Does anybody have any Tartan Paint to hand? We have a load of Frothers could do with a lick of paint..

So, onto the exciting bit!! We love the new Frothers so much that we are having a Tartan Paint contest; as you can see from the Topper below, our Head Operative - Steve, is preparing to add the tartan to Topper, now.. what scheme will he pick?

Tartan is notoriously difficult to paint, but the Frothers simply don't look dressed without it. We want to see your Tartan!

We are launching a Contest to find the best dressed Frother, with the most colourful Tartan. All entries must be photographed and posted on here by the end of June, and the Daruma team will select the winner from all entrants. This can be either a single Frother chosen from the Frother Squad, Topper or McNultie. All entries are welcomed!

The prize for the Winner is a fully signed Art Print of the original McNultie image that Dave drew for the Kickstarter - we will have this specially printed out on high quality paper, signed by Dave and framed for the Winner. We have no intention of ever printing these beyond this contest, so this will be a unique piece of SLA Memorabilia. In addition, we will print you a special Tee shirt with McNultie on it - again, these won't be going into production so you will have a one of a kind!

We will have more updates on the Open Day painting contest shortly as well, we can't wait to see all those Painted SLA Minis!


Pop over to Daruma Productions Facebook Page to join in the fun and have a go.

Scav Faction

The resourceful Scavs are inveterate tinkerers, their hulking frames belying their technical skills and tactical ability. Found in small numbers, they are a formidable foe that should never be engaged without a threat assessment. Instantly recognisable in their great coats and gas masks,they are luckily unmistakable and are to be avoided if spotted.

“So, that’s a Scav, eh? Why did nobody tell me that something that big could move that quickly?” Declan Kaibrush, Shiver Forward Obverver

Strong in small numbers, they can both dish out and soak a lot of damage, and are likely to be armed with improved weapons and equipment. Their ability to take scrap and turn it into something useful is one of their many strengths.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Carrien Faction

Wherever you go on Mort, you know that you’re never too far from rats and the same is said of Carrien. The infestation that our loyal operatives deal with in the streets and sewers of Downtown exists in larger numbers outside the wall, including giant monsters and mutants. The nimble vermin are no match for well-trained Shivers individually, but what they lack in strength, they make up in numbers. This is their home and they won’t give it up without a fight.


Weak as individuals, the animalistic Carrien operate in packs to take down their foes. They move swiftly, ignoring obstacles to close the distance to their targets and use their numbers. Up close, Carrien can be dangerous opponents, making up for their weaknesses in sheer ferocity. Larger packs may have a Greater Carrien and sometimes even a brutal and unpredictable Mutant Carrien to throw into the fray.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Shiver Faction

The Shiver Units policed the streets of Mort City until the challenges outside the wall became too great to ignore and SLA Industries repurposed them to fight the encroaching forces of the cannibal sector. Their regular green street armour was swapped out for grey and their non-lethal ball-bearing gauss rifle ammo was replaced with deadly flechettes. While the sector shivers have the same silhouette as the men and women who protect your homes and streets, they pack a bigger punch and aren’t to be messed with.

“Come on ladies and gentlemen, you want to die in your socks? For the sector wall!”

Shivers are a regular human force, armed and armoured to withstand any challenge they meet in the sector. They work as a unit with several standard troops, a Sergeant and sometimes a specialist. The regular Shivers rely on their gauss guns, body blocker armour and training to stay alive, while Sgt Rooker, wielding pistols and wearing HARD Armour, tells them what to do.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

The Rules for SLA Industires:CS1 and other helpful links

Yes we have talked a bit about the background to the game and alike but I haven't mention the actually rules,the factions or even other sites that you might find helpful and useful. So I have complied a list for you all.

The rules,which are in playtest stage at the moment and are free to download and for you to try all.
Download is here 

Next is Daruma Productions Face Book page. Daruma for the company behind the SLA Industries game,both the Role Play Game and the Skirmish Level game.
Daruma's Facebook Page

Here are some Facebook Fan pages for SLA Industries: CS1 the Skirmish Game and SLA Industries the Role Play Game.

SLA Industries:CS1 the Skirmish Game Facebook pages.

SLA CS1 Fan Page is a fan page for the upcoming Cannibal Sector-1 tabletop skirmish game set in the darkly dangerous "World of Progress" science-fiction universe of SLA Industries. Here we can exhibit and discuss the expanding collection of CS-1 miniatures by Daruma, the Cannibal Sector-1 game as well as anything else from SLA Industries. CS-1 is a fan page and unaffiliated with Daruma or Nightfall Games.
SLA CS1 Fan Page

SLA:CS1 Beta Group is an open Playtest group for the sole puporse of developing the SLA: CS1 Miniatures game.
SLA:CS1 Beta Group

SLA Industries the Role Play Game

The World of Progress the SLA Industries Facebook Group. I've had a thing for the universe of SLA Industries since way back in '93, my RPG Group never really "got" the dark humour involved - and barring a brief campaign, we only played it a few times.
The World of Progress

This last link is the SLA Industries Development Diary is a development diary for the game brand SLA Industries. We'll be posting updates about what's going on with the war games and rpg in the future.
SLA Industries Development Diary

Thanks for reading next the Shivers

To be Continued..............................

Friday, 5 May 2017

SLA industries Cannibal Sector One

SLA Industries: Cannibal Sector 1 – Tabletop Skirmish in the World Of Progress

Daruma Productions, in conjunction with Nightfall Games, are producing the SLA Industries: Cannibal Sector 1 skirmish game and all the miniatures and accessories needed to play. The book will be lavishly produced by Nightfall Games and Daruma Productions with new full-colour illustrations by Dave Allsop.

Whats this, a range of SLA figures and a skirmish game, please tell me more went the voice in my head, actually it screamed “SLA toys, I want them all” and what is this Kickstarter thing and I jumped in. So after looking further into this, meeting the chaps from Daruma at a couple of shows and their love for this is off the scale, safe hands I think, I jumped in on the Kickstarter, thanks Beast of War for pointing me in the direction of this game, and brought some of their minis and this is the start of my fun.

What I am planning do is a step by step of the various factions involved in the game as I slowly get through them starting with the Shivers.

To be continued..............................

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

What is SLA Industries

What is SLA Industries? 

In 1993, the Scottish company Nightfall Games released SLA Industries, its roleplaying game of science fiction horror, a very British antidote to the slick and angsty settings that were popular at the time. Set in The World Of Progress, the sphere of SLA Industries’ influence in the known universe, players take on the roles of operatives, employees of an all-encompassing company that controls a frightened population with reality TV and violence while a creeping horror claws its way through the edges of reality.

The game has seen renewed popularity recently, as Nightfall Games reclaimed publication, releasing source material as PDFs over the last few years. With the game returning to print in the near future, Nightfall Games partnered with Daruma Productions to produce a line of miniatures (including iconic characters like Halloween Jack and Delia the Destroyer) and a skirmish game to allow more people to enjoy the setting and characters of SLA Industries.

SLA Industries. 

SLA (pronouced Slay) Industries was, actually is, a RPG from the minds of Dave Allsop and Jared Earle and was first published in 1993 by Nightfall Games in Glasgow, Scotland. The game is set in a dystopian far-flung future in which the majority of the known universe is either owned or indirectly controlled by the eponymous corporation “SLA Industries” and incorporates themes from the cyberpunk, horror, and conspiracy genres.

The game combined concepts inspired by a range of aesthetics and ideas. Elements include: song lyrics from David Bowie and the Industrial music scene, cyberpunk fiction (including Blade Runner and Max Headroom), anime / manga (including Akira, Appleseed, Bubblegum Crisis, and Trigun), and the growing cultural obsession with the media (including 24-hour news services and the Gladiator TV Show).

There is a very rich background and SLA Industries itself is a fictional corporation run by a mysterious and seemingly immortal creature called “Mr. Slayer”, whose upper management team includes two other creatures like himself, “Intruder” and “Senti”. The corporation is headquartered in “Mort City”, a densely populated city-sprawl larger than Eurasia and surrounded by the urban ruins of the “Cannibal Sectors”. It is all located on a vast planet (also called “Mort”) that had been stripped of its natural resources to the point that the ecology had been utterly destroyed. SLA Industries controlled an undefined but vast number of planets, collectively referred to as the World of Progress, and governed them in accordance with Mr. Slayer’s Big Picture. The setting is bleak and surreal, with much left deliberately ill-defined in the source material.

Players take the role of freelance employees of SLA Industries, called Operatives, living in Mort City and taking care of odd jobs assigned to them by the corporation. These jobs usually involve keeping the peace—chasing serial killers, hunting monsters in the sewers, quashing riots, foiling terrorist plots, and silencing dissidents are common themes. Appearance, style and branding are emphasized in the game world as much as combat ability, due to the omnipresence of television; for ambitious Operatives public persona and TV ratings are often as important as professional abilities. A supplement, the Contract Directory, also provides the option for players to play as celebrity gladiators called Contract Killers. As a role-playing experience, the game tends to be predisposed towards splatterpunk horror, noir, dark satire, and/or gunbunny high action. However, the complexity and Byzantine politics of the setting allow for slower-paced campaigns based around subversion, inter-departmental rivalry, and cut-throat power struggles within the company.

Along with humans, playable races include the drug-addicted mutant humans called “Frothers”, the stealthy feline “Wraith Raiders”, the formidably violent saurian “Shaktar”, and the two ‘Ebb’ / pseudo-magic using races: the emotionally sensitive and charismatic Ebon, and their more sadistic and violent evolution, the “Brain Wasters”. There are also a variety of biogenetic vat-grown warrior races called Stormers, produced by SLA to fight in their endless wars.

Now that is the background and a petty messed up “World of Progress” it is, but there was never a range of figures to go with this RPG, much to my disappointment, even though there was rumours, over the years that suggested that there might be one in the future and this is where Daruma Productions stepped in and said this…

To be continued............................